Month: June 2023

  • Some times simple thing is better and fun

    SLR vs point and shoot camera Professional sampler vs SnapBeat  There are two types of product. One is a high-end professional product and the other is simple affordable product. For example of camera, a SLR (Single-Lens Reflex) camera is professional product and a point ‘n’ shoot camera is simple product.  I think that not always…

  • OpnBeat changed the name to SnapBeat

     OpnBeat, the simple and fun Lo-fi sampler changed its name to SnapBeat.  When I started development the simple DIY sampler, I wanted to name it as OpenBeat because it was open-source project. But because someone had already used the brand name online, finally I named it as OpnBeat. But this was not good idea since…

  • The first production for test marketing

     Yesterday, I visited our manufacturing partner to prepare the first production of SnapBeat’s board. We will produce 25 pcs of pre-soldered board for design verification and test marketing purpose. By now, I’ve made the board one by one by my hand, but from now I can make it a lot by the power of automation.…