Month: August 2023

  • The 1st lot was sold out

    The first lot 20 pcs of SnapBeat was sold out on Tindie. Thank you very much for people who gave me warm support. Also I’m sorry for the inconvenience of being unavailable on Tindie for a while for who want to buy it. After the first sales, I got many comments and requests about MIDI…

  • A hack of ISD1700 voice recorder chip to improve recorded sound quality

    What is Hi-fi sampling mode and how does it work? SnapBeat is the simple Lo-fi sampler. Yes, it’s really Lo-fi as the name. It uses Nuvoton ISD1700 voice recorder chip for sampling and playback sounds. The chip’s patented MLS (Multi Level Storage) can record analog sound signal directly without Analog to Digital conversion. Thanks for…